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Electrodrive Powered Linen Movers for safely moving heavy trolleys

Linen movers—battery powered

Electrodrive's battery powered linen movers enable a single user to move up to 500 kg loads with ease. Ergonomically designed and Australian made, the units are suitable for hospital/commercial linen or laundry trolleys.

Powered linen trolley mover range

Gzunda Linen Mover

Gzunda Linen Mover

Safely tow up to 500 kg.
Suitable for trolleys or carts with four swivel castors.

Tug Compact Linen Mover

Tug Compact with linen hitch

Safely tow up to 500 kg.
Suitable for trolleys or carts with two fixed and two swivel castors.

Move commercial linen or bulk laundry with ease

Linen and laundry trolleys are heavy, particularly when carrying soiled sheets. When it’s time to collect the laundry, moving these heavy trolleys around a busy hospital or aged care facility presents a real risk of shoulder and back injury, not only to the staff who are pushing or pulling them, but also to the patients and staff who use the same traffic areas.

Using an Electrodrive Powered Tug Compact with linen hitch, or a Gzunda Powered Linen Mover can eliminate manual handling risks by ensuring that the staff are towing (not pushing) heavy loads, giving them an unobstructed view of what’s ahead. And because the linen movers are motorised, they can tow multiple trolleys at once, vastly improving productivity with bulk deliveries.

A single user can safely move up to 500 kg loads of soiled linen/laundry without the risk of manual handling strain or injury. The units are battery operated and easy to steer.

Typical applications

Suitable for hospitals, commercial linen services, laundries, aged care facilities, casinos and hospitality.

Electrodrive's Gzunda linen mover
Gzunda Linen Mover towing a linen trolley.
Electrodrive's Gzunda Linen Mover with the tiller control folded up
Gzunda Linen Mover with the tiller control folded in the "up position".
Tug Compact Linen Mover with its 'front-of-load' control
Tug Compact Linen Mover with its "front-of-load" control.
Tug Compact Linen Mover towing a full linen trolley
Tug Compact Linen Mover towing a full linen trolley.